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Please make a note of it

How was your Triduum? How about Palm Sunday? If you haven't reviewed Holy Week to take a few notes, now is a great time to do it. Every year, I do a quick review of what went great, what could have been better, and put it in an Evernote to review next year as I am doing my Easter planning. Here are a few of my notes from past years...

- Stand lights! (I forgot to setup stand lights one year at the Vigil). I've been leading music at the Easter Vigil in the dark for over 20 years, but forgot this important detail last year.

- Incense/offertory! (Holy Thursday) My pastor ordinarily doesn't use a lot of incense during our liturgies. One yearI shut down the offertory song thinking he was done after the preface. This led us to a 2 minute vamp that could have been a more special musical moment.

- Push music out earlier (this is always in my notes)

After I place these things into an Evernote, I put a mark on my calendar to review them. Now is also a great time to review First Holy Communions and Confirmation Celebrations.

Lastly, right after Easter is the perfect time to plan Christmas. It will be here before we know it. Remember, the more organized, planned and ready we are, the further we can take our teams for these special liturgies!

Lead well!

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